Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Digital Duds

Dating is Dead

Recently an article in the Daily Campus, written by Nikki Cloer discussed the movement of the current dating culture into cyber space. The article titled, “Dating is Dead,” pleaded that people stop relying on text messaging and facebooking to contact people and actually pick up the phone.

I totally agree.

I personally have had similar experiences to the author where someone you didn’t realize you knew, or better yet you didn’t realize knew you, messages or friend requests you on facebook. It’s just creepy.

Honestly, us girls really don’t ask for much. Introduce yourself and show us that you want to get to know us. Any guy who asks a girl out without even knowing her name by, facebook message is obviously in it for the wrong reasons. Don’t be a “virtual Romeo.”

Dating is not the only place that people have become obsessed with communicating digitally. Everywhere you go people seem to have a cell phone glued to their ear. People create their own community…their speed dial list. Forget casual conversation amongst the people around you, or even moments of mental peace. We have to communicate with people in one form or another all the time.

Think about college students. We are either in class (often texting), out of class on the phone, hanging out with our friends, or talking to them online. Whatever happened to being alone in your own thought?

I think that the digital age as Nikki said has contributed to the ‘death of dating,’ but something else is lost when you don’t talk to people face to face. You can’t sense expression, personality, or emotion (as much as the emoticon tries). People need to not only call people versus text messaging, but get off the phone, look around you, be a part of the community you live in rather than only those you “accept friend request” to.


Audblogger said...

I think your postsd are excellent in portraying your insighful opinion. You speak to an audience, and share yourself at the same time, which I feel is important to good writing. you should include your most insightful posts in your English paper.

kc said...

I completely agree! You make your points so well and I definitely think you should include some of your post in your paper. You make your audience clear and never stray from your subject which makes your blogs and interesting and easy read.

Claire Allen said...

I posted a similar topic on my blog in regards to cell phones. My biggest pet peeve is when people use their cell phones when you are eating with them. I think it is so rude. It is not that important to text someone while you are having a conversation with another person. I also agree with the other comments that you do a great job explaining your points.

Sarah Liz said...

Thanks everyone for the nice comments!

Claire-I totally agree with your thoughts on talking on the phone while eating with someone. What's the point of meeting wit someone in person if you are going to spend your time talking to someone who isn't even there?

We need to remember general ettiquite regardless of what new technology comes in to play. Do you all agree?

gossip girl said...
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gossip girl said...

I just came across your post and thought it was pretty funny because just the other day my friends any I were talking about this. If your phone actually rings instead of a text message alert you think that something is wrong. Nowadays when people want to have a normal everyday conversation, it is by text messaging. When my ring tone that goes off when I am receiving a phone call goes off I am very surprised. I think that it is an emergency or something of very high importance. I remember the days when I had all of my friend’s phone numbers memorized because the only way to communicate with them was to call them on the house telephone. I miss the long talks with my friends on the phone. They only people that I actually talk on the phone with anymore are my family and that really upsets me, but then again it is my fault as well.

Justin said...

I really liked this post. First off, I agree with you about people needing to make the actual phone call more often than just the text. To me it's like hiding. It would be way easier to ask a girl to hang out in a text than it would on the phone. My phone doesn't even do texting, so maybe that lowers my authority on the subject, but when my best friend breaks up with his girlfriend (after 3 years) and gets back with her through a bunch of text messages, to me that is a sign that texting is out of control.
The other idea you said about not being to interpret peoples emotions is something I actually wrote about in my last paper and I totally agree with. During the week, when students are not on the phone or internet or whatever, they are probably studying. This kind of hinders their social growth and development if they don't interact with people face to face. Again, great post.